Thursday, May 5, 2022

Snap It All -- CLUES


Some things you need to know about problems we had during set-up for the event tonight.

The stray dog was a royal pain. It made the rounds of our tables, walking under the tables, trying to chew on the tablecloths, and nosing at our boxes and bags. It obviously knew Fran was scared of him and kept going back to her table every time the rest of us chased it away from ours. She jumped up on a bench twice when he got too close, and a third time he chased her nearly to the bathroom. We all cheered when Victoria called Parks and Recreation to complain and ask for help, because after all, dogs aren't allowed out without leashes. Still, we had no idea if anyone was coming in response to Victoria's phone call, since she could only leave a message.

For the last 15 to 20 minutes before the event officially started and our guests showed up, we were all scattered, checking our cars, changing our clothes, taking phone calls, and walking in circles trying to get a better wireless signal. We were checking social media for last-minute responses to our posts that the event was about to begin and the "doors" were opening. As far as any of us knew, the pavilion was never left without someone to watch our tables. Still, how could we be sure? We had so much still to do, and we were kind of behind schedule thanks to that dog. A few times we were busy anchoring things down, when the breeze picked up and blew flyers and business cards off the tables.

Then with everything else happening, I got an emergency phone call. Not something I wanted or needed right then.  Some of my writing friends have been having trouble with people posting accusations that they stole other people's stories, and trying to get them banned from Amazon and Goodreads and have their reviews taken down from review sites. I was getting threats from people who claimed some of my books were stolen, but they hadn't followed through yet.

Well, the phone call was from an agent I have been trying to get interested in representing me for about six months now. She had questions about these accusations. It turns out these "trolls" have been contacting various agents, making their accusations. She wanted to ask about several titles that were on the accusation list. No, none of those titles were stolen -- they had been published years ago under different titles. These idiots were accusing me of stealing MY OWN BOOKS, making a few cosmetic changes, and then republishing under a new title.

Yeah, problem solved. Sort of. I hope. We just won't know until she and the other agents being targeted by these trolls take some serious actions of their own. Nice to know we have some powerful people who want to shut up the trolls!

So yeah, I was kind of distracted when I was busy with that phone call.

BUT -- not so distracted that I didn't see Fran go running into the bathroom when that dang stray dog showed up again. I was about halfway through the phone call, and pacing back and forth in the parking lot by the bathroom, trying to keep the phone signal strong, when she peered out and asked me something about the dog. I wasn't sure what she was asking, but I didn't see it, so I tried to signal her it was all clear, while trying to listen to the agent.

We were all re-gathering in the pavilion when Christy's husband showed up to make a "we're ready to get started" video, to post. That was when we realized the camera was missing.

(REMEMBER: "Facts" presented during the mystery are not actual, real-life facts, but made up for the sake of the mystery.....)

WONDER WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? There's a mystery to be solved, with a PRIZE to be awarded Friday, May 6. Check this page on Facebook, and get to work!

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