A companion volume to THE EDEN OPTION.
Subtitle: How to Defy the Rise of the Artificial.
Everything around us is pushing subtly and not-so-subtly to give in and accept artificial life as not just inevitable, but somehow good for us.
Just how good is a diet of artificial colorings and flavorings?
We need to open our eyes and determine what is real, and hold onto it. We need to refuse to let the artificial get any more dominant in our lives. We need to hold out for the real world, the real lives, that God intended for us.
From the back cover: " The clash between the Real and the Artificial is Intensifying ... and You Are the Prize.
"Every aspect of life is being invaded by the artificial. But we miss what's at stake when we assume it's inevitable, natural, or even neutral. It actually began in Eden when the serpent offered Adam and Eve a counterfeit reality based on the Tree of Knowledge and the promise to become like gods.
"These ancient roots entangle us in more ways than we realize. We seek to redefine reality in our image. We look to the unreal to make us more real. Nothing fazes or amazes us anymore. We stumble through life in a Partificial Daze -- partially present and fully disoriented by an artificial haze of anxiety, exhaustion, and addition.
"What's needed is a reality reorientation:
"** Real isn't how we feel. It's aligning with God's design for reality ... and us.
"** Artificial isn't just AI or fake things. It's any lie that lures us away from God."
Can I have an Amen?