Sunday, February 28, 2021

Off the Bookshelf: THE STORY OF WITH, by Allen Arnold


Subtitle: A Better Way to Live, Love and Create

A few weeks ago, Realm Makers had an online retreat with Allen Arnold as our teacher. He worked from this book. I bought and read With two years ago, but I needed to read it again. And some of my friends have recommended re-reading it on a regular basis.

This is that type of book, half teaching and half story, that you need to keep reading because you learn something different each time, building on what you learned before.

The "story" is the journey of Mia, who has been disappointed and blocked time and again through her life, kept from following her heart, kept from pursuing the things she loves to do, for the sake of so-called "reality." On a day when several personal disasters strike her all in a row, she ends up out of gas, on foot, lost in the woods, and stumbles on a house where the woman who lives there, Iona, has apparently been waiting for her. She sends Mia on a journey of discovery, in her heart and soul and imagination.

Behind Mia's story of risk and fear and creativity is the simple and yet incredibly complex message that the only way to be truly creative, to follow our hearts, to live life to the fullest, is to do it WITH God. Not creating and serving FOR God, but in partnership WITH Him.

Honestly, in just a week, the simple exercise Allen recommended has been making a change already in me. What is it?

First thing in the morning, ask God, "What do You have planned for us to do together today, Lord?" I'm not saying the answer will be fast or obvious, but just asking sets the tone for the day.

Stand back and watch what happens.

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