Sunday, February 14, 2021

Off the Bookshelf: SOCIAL MEDIA FOR TODAY'S WRITER, by Diann Mills & Edie Melson


Okay, I admit it, I NEED HELP with promotion and just being visible and audible, when it comes to letting people know about my books.

Even after reading this book and getting some, "Oh, okay, that makes sense" moments .... *sigh* it's gonna be a while before I get even a portion of this put into practice.

But this is much-needed advice and guidance, and greatly appreciated.

The authors go through different concepts and platforms, step by step, explaining why something should be done, how, what not to do, and give guidance on keeping things organized. And most important, help authors avoid being overwhelmed!

Chapters discuss laying a foundation for your social media presence, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and staying organized .... Yeah, I need to read through this book a few more times, and apply sticky notes and highlighter, to help me really put everything taught, simply and clearly, into action.

Thanks, DiAnn and Edie!

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