Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Upcoming release sample: DANCING ON MY GRAVE

 “Get your facts straight,” Faith Evans said. “There’s some big pipe leak over there upstairs, lots of the flooring torn up. They’re just angry that nobody bothered letting us know, so we could make other arrangements or just not meet tonight.”

“Huh. The leak can’t be too bad. Heinrich sure would have let everybody on the street know, if there was a leak at his place.” 

That earned a few chuckles from some of the square dancers. Heinrich had a reputation as a curmudgeon, and that was being generous. Anything that inconvenienced or irritated him was aired to everyone on the street. He didn’t seem to care if he drove away customers from his coins and gems shop, or the other shops in the lobby of the Windows building. Just yesterday, he had gotten into a shouting match with Spencer Wilcox, owner of the electronics store at the end of the building. Heinrich had let everyone know the security cameras were down again. Spencer rightly pointed out that making the breakdown public knowledge just encouraged anybody who wanted to try to break in.

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