Friday, February 17, 2023


 Sunday, July 3

 Becca thought the morning sun shone too brightly as she stepped out of the back door of the duplex to go to her car and head to church. She paused and raised a hand to shield her eyes and considered turning around and going back inside. No one would blame her if she didn’t come to church that morning. Patty and Roy had both expressed concern last night that she had worn herself out, trying to get back up to speed so soon after returning home.

The other back door opened. Rufus slid out onto the porch, followed by Devona. The siblings paused. If Devona could get herself up for church, after returning from her business trip at 2am, Becca decided she could make the effort too. When Rufus suggested they ride in together, she was glad to accept.

Until she saw who was getting out of a car in the handicapped parking space next to the one where Rufus parked his van. Silver-haired, frail, elegant Sarah Fontaine was the last person she wanted to see.

Especially with a curl of guilt dropping into her stomach to stab her. She wasn’t wearing the Mizpah coin. She wasn’t sure where she had dropped it yesterday when she got home from Book & Mug.

And yet … if anyone would understand what was going on with Conrad, that would be his grandmother.

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