Tuesday, January 11, 2022

New release sample: DAWN OF THE LIVING PROOF


I wiped my suddenly sweaty hands on my pants. Oh, yeah, I was in my pajamas. I didn't want Daniel to see me dressed like this. Besides, why would he come at nearly 3am? Why would he use the front door? He had always used the kitchen door, from the very first time he came to my house.

Proof he wasn't Daniel? Kind of a relief … Still, opening it to the doppelganger wasn't very smart, either. Then I looked down at my legs again. I was standing up. The reaction of whichever Daniel was at the door would clarify who he was. Besides, Kurt and Jane were probably hovering --

My phone pinged, as if he heard my thoughts.

Here. Did you know Daniel glows in the dark?

Duh. Not him.


Pincer move? Get ready.

I took the last few steps to the door. My knees wobbled. Too much time standing, and I didn't note when I got up, so I didn't know if my upright-on-my-own-feet-again time was increasing. I winced as I hit the light switch next to the door, fearing I would hit the wrong one of the three. One switch for the light outside, one for directly over the door inside, and another light at the other end of the room. Like I said before, we never used the front door. Which should have been proof enough whoever was there wasn't Daniel. So did the doppelganger glow because Kurt and Jane saw it through the Ghost field?

Taking a deep breath, I flipped the deadbolt and yanked hard to pull the door open. It stuck -- because, hey, never used -- and groaned as I pulled it open.

Daniel grinned at me and reached for the screen door handle.

He glowed, an odd, black light sort of effect, like when dead Obi-Wan showed up to talk to Luke. Or Bob Newhart as Professor Proton talked to Sheldon, much against his will. Professor Proton, not Sheldon.

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