Friday, January 14, 2022

New release sample: DAWN OF THE LIVING PROOF

 "Mal -- what?" He grinned. Definitely not Daniel. The real Daniel would understand that word, and the implications.

Really, what more proof did I need?

And still this thing looked at me and didn't react to me being on my own two feet. Which were getting kind of achy. So was this a different doppelganger? Or didn't he notice I was sitting in a wheelchair when he planted himself next to me at our table at the party less than three hours ago?

"Hey, a little help here!" I shoved hard with my mind.

I was half afraid my telekinetic fist would go right through the doppelganger, but to my great satisfaction, he went flying off the front step and out into the snow with a satisfying ooph, wide-eyed and stunned. The black light effect flared and shot off crackles of static and sparks before dropping back to its starting levels.

Kurt and Jane stepped out of a slit in the air. They also hovered about two feet above the top of the snow drifts.

Doppelganger Daniel scrambled backward in the snow for a few feet. It was more than a foot deep, because hey, I never used the front door. The mailbox was on the side of the house, so brother Harry never shoveled the front sidewalk. Come to think of it … I looked in the last of the fading black light streaks, and there were no footprints leading up to my front door.

"The thing teleports or whatever. It didn't walk here," I called out, as Kurt and Jane split up to perform their pincer move on the doppelganger as it struggled to its feet.

"What do you want?" Kurt spread his arms.

Jane mirrored him. Swirls of light radiated out from their hands and spun around, forming a sphere around the melting thing that no longer looked like Daniel. Kind of gross, but nothing like the melting wax figures they used in the opening-the-Ark-and-creating-chaos scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark

It made little squawking noises, then sort of flattened and slid sideways, shooting off a cascade of fractured, dirty-looking light as the walls of the Ghost field squeezed it. Too late. It flared, more ugly black light special effects, and sped across the yard. Through the snow fence the Mulcahys put up next door. Out into the street. Through four cars. Then vanished from sight, leaving streaks of red light behind it.

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