Sunday, October 3, 2021

Off the Bookshelf: TRIBES, by Seth Godin


Different speakers in different classes and marketing podcasts and publishing forums have been recommending this book for years. I finally bought it (way too easy to do if you have multiple ebook reading apps to choose from!) and got started, three or four chapters at a time.

Short, pithy chapters, all dealing with thinking outside the box, taking risks, being a heretic, finding your own tribe of people who think as you do (or want to think differently with you) and multiple examples of people who broke out of the status quo and shattered the mold, and succeeded by being different.

Whew! Kind of scary. I think I would have gotten more out of this book if I had read the chapters closer together. I made the mistake of making this my "standing in line" book -- meaning I only pulled it out to read (on my phone) when I was waiting somewhere. I need to re-read it, but in the next few weeks, I have some ideas I want to experiment with ... Why not take a chance? What have I got to lose? Maybe a lot to gain.

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