Friday, October 22, 2021

New release sample: RETURN OF THE LIVING PROOF


"We've never had anything happen like that before. Totally inexcusable. I can assure you, we don't run our business like that." She tried to laugh, and brushed some hair out of her face, which had come loose from the immaculate, businesslike chignon.

"Well, I should warn you, since you're setting up business here." I paused to smile and try to read that flicker of something in her eyes. Something dark. Maybe anger? Or apprehension? "This is Neighborlee, the weirdness capital of the state, if not the country. Your realtor should have warned you that odd things happen on a regular basis. Maybe you can get out of the contract if you claim that vital information was withheld." I laughed, and she laughed with me. The sound was brittle and I swear there was an odd sensation of an echo, muffled almost the moment I heard it. "Sorry to take off like that, while you were running around. We really have to get to that appointment before we get in more trouble than we already are."

"Right. Right. So, you'll come back tomorrow? Any time is good. No need to make an appointment. Or you could come back after your appointment, this afternoon."

"Tomorrow is great." I nodded and looked pointedly at my door, to warn her, before I pulled it shut.

"See you tomorrow!" She gave me a chipper smile and backed up a couple steps until she was on the sidewalk in front of the door. Then she loosely wrapped her arms around herself and stood there, watching us, until I put the key in the ignition.

"Oh, wait -- could I see that?" She darted back across the crumbling blacktop, holding out her hand.

I was suddenly very glad the window was rolled up, even though the day was so humid.

"What is that? On your keychain." Her smile widened a little more, and honestly, with the weird vibrations I was getting, I wouldn't have been surprised if her teeth were pointed.

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