Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Thanks for the Great Review, Rosemarie DiCristo

 Got this great review for MAJJIAN SPRINGS from Rosemarie DiCristo, who happens to be one of our authors for the anthologies at Ye Olde Dragon Books.

You have to check out our Invisible Man-themed anthology coming out October 15. She and her writing partner, Pam Halter, have an incredible story. Deb and I knew before we even read it that we were going to love it!

But here's the review -- Thanks, Rosemarie!!

Great Books #1. The Kindness Curse by Michelle Levigne. (Book #1 in the Magic to Spare series).
I highly recommend this book! It tells the story of Merrigan, a not-really-evil queen (she's arrogant and selfish, but not a bad sort) who's turned into a very, very old lady and cursed to roam the world until she learns, well, kindness.
The story is hilarious, and Merrigan is a great character. Yes, she's rude and thoughtless, but she was raised by a bad nanny who taught her all the wrong things, and she's actually very human in her thoughts and reactions. (We're not all sweet and loving every moment, after all!). Of course, as Merrigan roams the world, she inadvertantly does good deeds, and actually starts to want to help people, all of which helps to slowly break the curse.
A plus is the way Merrigan (and author Michelle) gently pokes fun at all those fairy tale tropes we've read over and over and over again.
Book #2, Majjian Springs, was recently released and continues Merrigan's adventures. I'm about halfway through the Advance Reading Copy, and will get a real copy soon!

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