Friday, July 26, 2024

Catching Up -- Did Anybody Notice I've Been Away?


I just checked, and it's been more than a month since I posted anything here.

Did you miss me?


Time to catch up in a big way.

It always gets crazy-busy and I let things slide more than usual when time for the Realm Makers conference comes near.

This is the most incredible, fun, hectic, jam-packed-with-goodness writing conference you could ever go to. If, of course, you're into writing "that weird stuff."

You know what I mean: science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Mythology with a modern twist. Superheroes and new takes on classic stories, danger and philosophy and fun, outer space adventures and a return to a childlike sense of wonder.

Scott and Becky Minor are the generous, brilliant folks who started the Realm Makers community and head up the conference that just gets bigger and more awesome every year -- with a lot of help from their community and an army of volunteers. And the teachers they line up every year are top notch. I can't wait to watch the video recordings of the sessions I couldn't go to, and take notes and learn and catch up on what I missed. My mind is still churning from the classes I did attend. Good stuff!

So, over the course of this week, and probably the next, I'll be posting a lot of things to catch up. Book reports and previews of upcoming titles.

Less than a week from now, the next book in the Steward's World fantasy series, WHITE WOLF, will be releasing. I'll be loading the ebook and audiobook on the website soon, so if anybody wants to get it before release day, at a savings .... that's the place!

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