Monday, July 29, 2024

Book Report: A SECOND CHANCE, by Jodi Taylor


The Chronicles of St. Mary's, Book 3

They're back, the time-traveling (but they won't admit it) historians with a knack for getting in trouble no matter how careful they are.

Sometimes that trouble is in matters of the heart. Physically and emotionally. These historians stand a good chance of getting killed any day by the historical events they're observing.

Max and Leon have tentatively agreed that after the big, dream-of-a-lifetime trip to observe the people of Troy before and during and after the Trojan war, they will leave St. Mary's and all the danger behind, so they can be together. 

Yeah, as if?

Some of Max's associates have a tendency to stretch the rules so far they snap back hard, and other times ... they just can't be that oblivious, can they? Always a close call and a big spike in blood pressure when Markham is involved. Then there's the physicist whose dream is to see Isaac Newton in action -- and flirt outrageously with Max while he's at it -- and nearly starts a riot.

Heartbreak warning -- and that's all I'm going to say. When I got to the first tragic moment, I shouted. That was okay, because I was driving in my car with the windows closed. But how in the world was Taylor going to fix this one? Then the second one hit and ... okay, it helps that the Muse of History happens to be nearby, and somewhat of a friend. But seriously? Wow, so that's how THAT story line came about, just to fix the narrow, complicated hole Taylor wrote herself into.

Big hint: the title has a lot to do with the last chapter or two of this story ... and leads into the next book!

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