Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Book Report: MIRACLE ON 10TH STREET, by Madeleine L'Engle


A lovely, thought-provoking mix of poems and stories, and excerpts from songs and scripture and poetry down through the ages. While the focus is on Christmas and all the beauty and questions and soul-searching that should be included in the season, this is a collection that should probably be nibbled at all through the year, not just opened up during the holidays.

I knew this author through A Wrinkle in Time, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Arm of the Starfish, and other fantasy stories. Then I picked up Walking on Water maybe 10 years ago. A drastic change of pace, being non-fiction and full of deep thought and spiritual growth. Highly recommend anything she has written. Even if considered YA, her books speak to all ages.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Thanks for the Great Review, Rosemarie DiCristo

 Got this great review for MAJJIAN SPRINGS from Rosemarie DiCristo, who happens to be one of our authors for the anthologies at Ye Olde Dragon Books.

You have to check out our Invisible Man-themed anthology coming out October 15. She and her writing partner, Pam Halter, have an incredible story. Deb and I knew before we even read it that we were going to love it!

But here's the review -- Thanks, Rosemarie!!

Great Books #1. The Kindness Curse by Michelle Levigne. (Book #1 in the Magic to Spare series).
I highly recommend this book! It tells the story of Merrigan, a not-really-evil queen (she's arrogant and selfish, but not a bad sort) who's turned into a very, very old lady and cursed to roam the world until she learns, well, kindness.
The story is hilarious, and Merrigan is a great character. Yes, she's rude and thoughtless, but she was raised by a bad nanny who taught her all the wrong things, and she's actually very human in her thoughts and reactions. (We're not all sweet and loving every moment, after all!). Of course, as Merrigan roams the world, she inadvertantly does good deeds, and actually starts to want to help people, all of which helps to slowly break the curse.
A plus is the way Merrigan (and author Michelle) gently pokes fun at all those fairy tale tropes we've read over and over and over again.
Book #2, Majjian Springs, was recently released and continues Merrigan's adventures. I'm about halfway through the Advance Reading Copy, and will get a real copy soon!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Book Report: A SECOND CHANCE, by Jodi Taylor


The Chronicles of St. Mary's, Book 3

They're back, the time-traveling (but they won't admit it) historians with a knack for getting in trouble no matter how careful they are.

Sometimes that trouble is in matters of the heart. Physically and emotionally. These historians stand a good chance of getting killed any day by the historical events they're observing.

Max and Leon have tentatively agreed that after the big, dream-of-a-lifetime trip to observe the people of Troy before and during and after the Trojan war, they will leave St. Mary's and all the danger behind, so they can be together. 

Yeah, as if?

Some of Max's associates have a tendency to stretch the rules so far they snap back hard, and other times ... they just can't be that oblivious, can they? Always a close call and a big spike in blood pressure when Markham is involved. Then there's the physicist whose dream is to see Isaac Newton in action -- and flirt outrageously with Max while he's at it -- and nearly starts a riot.

Heartbreak warning -- and that's all I'm going to say. When I got to the first tragic moment, I shouted. That was okay, because I was driving in my car with the windows closed. But how in the world was Taylor going to fix this one? Then the second one hit and ... okay, it helps that the Muse of History happens to be nearby, and somewhat of a friend. But seriously? Wow, so that's how THAT story line came about, just to fix the narrow, complicated hole Taylor wrote herself into.

Big hint: the title has a lot to do with the last chapter or two of this story ... and leads into the next book!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Coming Title: WHITE WOLF, Steward's World, Book 2


Coming August 1

Available EARLY on the Ye Olde Dragon Books website in ebook and audiobook.

Buy early and SAVE $$$

What's it about?


Magic can be learned, earned, or Gifted -- given to a person with magic potential, along with all the experience and wisdom of the one who Gifts it. Sometimes, magic-users forget the first and most important rule: Yeshen made magic to be shared, used for good. If it is stolen, hoarded, and bound with lies, it turns to poison, ruining one kingdom after another.

In this world of many kinds and strengths of magic, a war has been simmering for centuries, waiting to break out. Durmad waits, exiled beyond the Cascade Mountains, sending his agents into multiple kingdoms, to steal magic, enslave magic-users, and corrupt kings to serve him and his plans.

Steward stands against him, the duty and the magical ability passed from father to daughter, mother to son. The tides of magic and powers and the strength of kingdoms are shifting, as allies and pawns move into place in preparation for what could be the war to decide the fate of the world.


When an evil enchanter killed her mother, Taran should have inherited her magic, but she didn't. She had none of her own, though her mother always said she was magic.

Then Bard came to her cottage in the forest, seeking her help. By day, he was cursed to be a wolf, and only freed to be a man under the power of the moon. Together, Taran and Bard set out across kingdoms in search of magic to cure him. Along the way, she discovered the secret of the white wolf, which threatened the very fabric of her soul.

Their search brought them to the seeress, Kalista, who gave them a quest to earn their answers: find a child born with magic strong enough to change the world. Rescue her before the rebel enchanter Durmad found her and turned her into his weapon.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Book Report: A SYMPHONY OF ECHOES, by Jodi Taylor

 Chronicles of St. Mary's, Book 2

Warning: I've been binge listening. I was able to get quite a few of Jodi Taylor's Chronicles of St. Mary's short stories for free on Audible (yeah, that's a hint to go look) and I got addicted to this slightly crazy, somewhat accident-prone (somewhat??) group of British historians studying history via time travel -- although they don't want to say "time travel," but insist on saying they're studying history in contemporary settings.

Great fun, just like the first book. This episode starts with our narrator and heroine, Dr. Maxwell -- better known simply as Max -- relating how she and her soon-to-retire-to-academia friend, encountered Jack the Ripper on a foggy London back street, and how they both nearly didn't survive the experience. Love the dry British wit, and how they react to so much stress and bizareness with a good strong cup of tea ...

Then there's a trip to investigate the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which turn out to be the product of false advertising, and nearly get framed for the murder of Sennacherib. I'm not telling you more, because you have to read or listen to this for yourself. Great fun -- and I'm sooooo very glad I bought two books at the same time, so I could keep listening!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Catching Up -- Did Anybody Notice I've Been Away?


I just checked, and it's been more than a month since I posted anything here.

Did you miss me?


Time to catch up in a big way.

It always gets crazy-busy and I let things slide more than usual when time for the Realm Makers conference comes near.

This is the most incredible, fun, hectic, jam-packed-with-goodness writing conference you could ever go to. If, of course, you're into writing "that weird stuff."

You know what I mean: science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Mythology with a modern twist. Superheroes and new takes on classic stories, danger and philosophy and fun, outer space adventures and a return to a childlike sense of wonder.

Scott and Becky Minor are the generous, brilliant folks who started the Realm Makers community and head up the conference that just gets bigger and more awesome every year -- with a lot of help from their community and an army of volunteers. And the teachers they line up every year are top notch. I can't wait to watch the video recordings of the sessions I couldn't go to, and take notes and learn and catch up on what I missed. My mind is still churning from the classes I did attend. Good stuff!

So, over the course of this week, and probably the next, I'll be posting a lot of things to catch up. Book reports and previews of upcoming titles.

Less than a week from now, the next book in the Steward's World fantasy series, WHITE WOLF, will be releasing. I'll be loading the ebook and audiobook on the website soon, so if anybody wants to get it before release day, at a savings .... that's the place!