Thursday, March 2, 2023

Off the Bookshelf: RECKLESS MAGIC, by Rachel Higginson


Audiobook, Audible

Narrated by Bailey Carr

This is the start of the Starcrossed Series, labeled by a reviewer as "Twilight meets Harry Potter." I can't say if this is true because I never read Twilight. Sorry, vampires turn me off.

The magic school part is very true, with all the rivalry and bullying and infighting and one-upmanship, and enough angst and stupid hormonal misery to make any sane person want to lock up adolescents until they regain their sanity. If they ever had it.

Our heroine, Eden, has magic and doesn't realize it until she is slapped in the face with it. She just knows she has problems, "electricity" that builds up in her until she loses control. She has had incidents where she caused some minor catastrophes, that got her kicked out of several schools. Kingsley, a private school that appears to be for snotty rich brats, is her last chance. Weird things happen from her first day of classes, but she is too busy with her own problems to realize until she is caught in an assassination attempt on one of her classmates, and her magic bursts forth in undeniable ways. Unfortunately, saving the life of the prince of her race (which she didn't know she belonged to) doesn't seem to cut her any slack.

Will Eden bring peace among the various magical classes and slap some sense into the crown prince and the royal family, and gain her happily ever after? Guess you'll have to work through to the end of this really looooong story to find out.  


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