Thursday, March 9, 2023

Off the Bookshelf: 21 COURAGEOUS PRAYERS, by Gary Rohrmayer


Confession time: I'm lousy when it comes to praying. Bible study, no problem. Reading commentaries and joining spiritual discussions. No problem.

Having a conversation with God that goes beyond "gimme"? Yeah, problem.

Sometimes my day starts off with, "God, make me a blessing to someone. Make me productive. Help me honor You." Or sometimes more along the lines of, "Please don't let me embarrass You." If I'm on top of things and really getting off to a good start. And my evening prayers are often along the lines of, "Thanks for today, Lord. Thanks for all the things I got done. Thanks for keeping us safe. Thanks for helping (whoever). Please heal (whoever)." Yeah, kind of repetitive, and not very mature.

And not really conversations that prompt spiritual growth, and grow a solid foundation so I can actually be useful for the Kingdom. Know what I mean? Because there's always so much to do every day, I dive in, and don't pray much until I'm ready to end the day. Not good.

My pastor recently preached a series of sermons based on this book, and recommended that the congregation read this book to prepare for the lessons and prompt thinking and discussion and growth.

The topics of the 21 prayers are taken from Psalms, and focus on revealing more about God's character and how to relate to Him, how to look at Him, grow closer to Him. This is something I'm going to have to re-read multiple times until it starts to sink in and I apply it. Kind of ironic -- I need to pray about this to see any kind of change.

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