Thursday, March 16, 2023

Off the Bookshelf: ENCORE IN DEATH, by JD Robb


Guilty pleasure time.

I finished a few projects, so when the library notified me the book was in, I ran out to get it and dove in -- and stayed up reading very late/early in the morning several nights in a row.

Eliza Lane, actress adored by thousands, wealthy and talented, has come full circle. She is about to launch a revival of the play that made her famous 25 years before. Of course, that much success comes with enemies and people who blame her for their misfortunes. So there are quite a few suspects when her husband dies, poisoned by a drink meant for her.

Such a high profile death brings in Eve Dallas and her team, and they start digging into Eliza's past. Even with a suspect in custody, Dallas isn't satisfied. Something doesn't feel right. She knows she has to go back 25 years to that play where Eliza was the understudy and stepped into the role that made her career when another actress died tragically. Who was there, what did they know, and who had a score to settle with Eliza after all these years?

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