Thursday, January 19, 2023

Off the Bookshelf: THE ROWAN, by Anne McCaffrey



It's been years since I read this book by the Lady of Pern (if you don't know what Pern is, shame on you -- go look it up and read as many of the books as you can. You've led a deprived life!), so when I had a chance to get the audiobook version, I snatched it. Yeah, it's been so long I forgot a lot of details, so in some ways it was like reading a new book.

Always a delightful experience with an admired author.

The Rowan is one of several books that started as short stories and then McCaffrey expanded into full-length books -- and then a series of books. This particular "universe" deals with Talented folk and their various adventures exploring their powers and finding acceptance in a world that at first doesn't trust those with unusual gifts. And sometimes tries to confine them and commandeer their abilities.

We first meet the Rowan as a child orphaned in a horrific accident that wiped out the mining town on her colony world. She reveals her high-level telepathic power when, frightened, hungry, and cold, she sends a telepathic call for help. For days. Healing from that trauma, and other traumas and mistaken beliefs inflicted on her, takes her into her adult life. Rowan is a T-1, one of only a handful of the most powerful telepaths, entrusted with moving people and communicating across solar systems as Earth spreads out across the galaxy. But all that power doesn't guarantee happiness, until she meets a mind of equal strength and talent ... yeah, there's a little bit of a love story woven in here, but most of it is the tale of healing and growth, and being in the right place at the right time to essentially save the human race.

I think I'm going to have to put aside some time to go back and read all the stories in this series. It's been too long since I visited.

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