Tuesday, February 8, 2022

New release sample: DAWN OF THE LIVING PROOF


"And all this time, did it still look like Daniel, or did it take on its real face or shape or whatever?" Pop asked.

Good one. I hadn't even thought about that aspect of the doppelganger problem.

"Not really sure," Jane said after a few moments when she and Kurt wore almost matching frowns of concentration. "It was just a shape. Like a silhouette against all that rippling light that wasn't exactly black light, but not really any color at all."

"A man shape, yeah," Kurt said. "Maybe it got thicker than Daniel, and taller, but definitely a man, as opposed to a woman or a kid."

"I'm sorry," Pop said, "but I have the feeling none of the books in our library really cover something this or even offer hints. Angela, we might be camping at your place for the duration."

"I would be disappointed if you didn't pursue this," Angela said. "Whether this is a new enemy or puzzle, or simply a new face or ploy by Big Ugly or this Kerri woman … we need answers if we are to properly fight it. What disturbs me is that the creature seems trapped inside our borders."

"Nope." Kurt shook his head, giving us a grim little smile. "If it was still here on our turf, we'd still be tailing it and taking notes."

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