Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Upcoming release sample: PLANTWISE

“I bring you wishes for a blessed and joyous tenth birthday, Princess Arden, from the royal family of Stonemount.” Dylon bowed in a full courtly bow so his shaggy curls flopped forward into his eyes, prompting a giggle from her. He winked as he straightened up. “And especially from my grandfather. He had so hoped to be here, to see you.” His gaze slid to Glynna. “Unfortunately, an accident has kept him bound, indefinitely, to the palace. King Doyne is relieved to have him close at hand, where he can be protected –”

“Protected?” Glynna blurted. “That’s ominous. What healer needs protection?”

“—and tended to, while he heals,” Dylon finished, after a brief pause. He bent again and picked up a sturdy leather travel sack from the floor. He withdrew a journal bound in bright green leather with silver lacing, and a clear bottle of green ink, and two silver pens. “My grandfather knows how Auntie Glynna teaches, and he sent these to help in your continuing lessons and observations.” He held them out to her. 

“Oh, they’re wonderful.” Arden stepped forward to take the gifts. “Please, give him my thanks and my prayers for a speedy and full recovery. I know Auntie Glynna would be so pleased to see him again. Perhaps we could make a journey to Stonemount, to visit Healer Ambrose, Father?”


Want to LISTEN to the book? TODAY is the launch of Season 2 of the Ye Olde Dragon's Library storytelling podcast, featuring PLANTWISE.

Look for it on your favorite podcast app, or visit the website to listen to today's episode and previous episodes: www.YeOldeDragonBooks.com, and click on the Storytelling Podcast link.

Beginning Saturday: The Storytellers episodes.

Listen to a chat with authors of new books and fantastical fiction, and get a behind-the-scenes look into the craft of storytelling!

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