Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Coming Release: PLANTWISE, Steward's World Book 1


Releasing June 15

In paper, ebook, and audio.

Also the featured book for Season 2 in the Ye Olde Dragon's Library storytelling podcast.

First, learn about the world where this new series takes place:



Magic can be learned, earned, or Gifted -- given to a person with magic potential, along with all the experience and wisdom of the one who Gifts it. Sometimes, magic-users forget the first and most important rule: Yeshen made magic to be shared, used for good. If it is stolen, hoarded, and bound with lies, it turns to poison, ruining one kingdom after another.

 In this world of many kinds and strengths of magic, a war has been simmering for centuries, waiting to break out. Durmad waits, exiled beyond the Cascade Mountains, sending his agents into multiple kingdoms, to steal magic, enslave magic-users, and corrupt kings to serve him and his plans.

Steward stands against him, the duty and the magical ability passed from father to daughter, mother to son. The tides of magic and powers and the strength of kingdoms are shifting, as allies and pawns move into place in preparation for what could be the war to decide the fate of the world.

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