Sunday, July 17, 2022

Off the Bookshelf: CITY OF VILLAINS, by Estelle Laure


Received through BookBub.

Clever, carefully detailed and thought-out worldbuilding, with so much history and texture -- you'd swear it's a real place that most of the world is making sure you don't hear about ... because the place can be dangerous.

Mary is an orphan with a bad-boy boyfriend, seemingly growing up on the wrong side of the tracks. Only gradually do we learn that she is part of a group who once possessed magic. The portion of the city where she lives is called the Scar, but used to be called Wonder, where magic used to flow and people came to make wishes come true. 

Many of Mary's friends have names reminiscent of Disney characters, specifically the villains. Her boyfriend James has a right-hand man named Smee. Her best friend is named Ursula. Other people were fairytale characters, back when they had magic and could grant wishes.

And now her high school classmates are starting to disappear. Mary is an intern at the police station. Her dream is to become a police officer and bring criminals to justice, just like the current chief of police captured the man who murdered her family. This is Mary's chance to prove herself, and help rescue her missing friends. But the search for truth brings terrifying changes, as she learns that someone is experimenting on and torturing her friends. What will Mary choose, when everything is at stake? Especially when she is close to changing into a fairytale character herself ...

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