Tuesday, August 17, 2021

New release sample: SHRUNK: THE EXILE OF MAURICE


"What happened?" He tried to look behind them without tripping over his feet. How did Robin Hood run in pointy-toed boots, anyway?

"The Sheriff is after us."

"What Sheriff?"

"Of Nottingham!" She laughed, even as she looked behind them and let out a shriek that was half excitement.

A troop of men came tearing around a bend in the forest trail, gaining on them with every thud of the hooves of their over-dressed horses.

Maurice decided this was fun. He let Holly lead the way, down a winding forest trail with the Sheriff's men close on their heels. They came out onto a riverbank. Ropes conveniently appeared from the trees overhead. Holly leaped, grabbed a rope, and swung across with a style that earned a whistle of appreciation from Maurice. He hesitated just long enough for her to reach the apex of the swing and let go. Then he leaped, snatching at the next rope, and followed.

They landed on the opposite bank without stumbling and ran. He looked back in time to see the horses come to an abrupt stop, physically impossible in the real world, and send the Sheriff's men tumbling over their heads, into the river.

"You're one nasty kid. I think I like you," he said, as they ran around a bend in the forest trail.

"Thank you so much, kind sir." Holly slowed enough to curtsey without tripping over her feet. Her clothing transformed into Maid Marion's outfit from the beginning of the movie.

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