Sunday, February 9, 2025

It's QUIZ Time! Ready to earn some points for a free book?


Chapter 1 Quiz

If you haven't listened to Chapter 1 yet on the Ye Olde Dragon's Library storytelling podcast, NOW would be a good time to do that........ 

2 points for every correct answer.

Send your answers to: by February 28


  1. What did Lanie have to apologize for, her junior year of high school?
  2. What would she have preferred doing, back home in Neighborlee?
  3. What is her brother's name?
  4. How long ago was he adopted, at the time of the story?
  5. Why was the woman so angry with Lanie and her brother at the bookstore?
  6. What did Lanie end up calling the lady, by the end of the visit?
  7. Who were Jake and Emma Crowder?
  8. Who is their son (who isn't born yet, at this point in the story)?
  9. Why did Lanie get a headache, when she and her brother were exploring in the attic in the haunted schoolhouse?


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