Quick survey, folks. I'd appreciate it so incredibly muchly ...
You can answer in the comments, or you can email me (2OldeDragons @ if you feel a little shy or figure it ain't nobody's business but yours and mine.
I'd love to offer you a new short story to thank you for filling out the survey and helping me with homework (yes, I'm taking a course to help me get my books noticed and find people who want to read them, so yes, HOMEWORK!)
Everybody who responds to this survey will get a link to an ebook or audiobook of a new, unpublished short story in the Enchanted Castle Archives series.
Let's start:
What are you reading right now?
Why did you pick that book? (favorite author, something raved about it to you, it looked interesting, your favorite genre, you're trying something new, none of the above ...)
Do you like it so far? Are you getting ready to close it and not pick it up? Are you already looking forward to the next book by that author? Why?
What was the last book you read? (title, author, genre -- why did you pick it?)
What did you like or not like about it?
Why do you read, rather than watching TV or movies or playing games or something else to relax?
What is your ideal book that you would love to find in the bookstore or online? Do you like tearjerkers, silly, snarky, scary, thrillers, heartwarming, adventure? Do you prefer "real life" stories as opposed to fantasy?
Have you ever read any of my stories? If yes, which one did you like the best? If not, what about the blurbs didn't appeal to you? What can I do to convince you to try one of my stories (besides offering you a freebie for letting me pick your brain, of course ...)
THANKS! Muchly appreciate your help on this!!!
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