Sunday, October 16, 2022

Off the Bookshelf: WAVES OF CREATIVITY, by Allen Arnold


Allen Arnold strikes again, with a book of inspirational quotations, either his own thoughts or scripture references, having to do with the creative mind and soul, the creative journey, and spiritual growth.

Everything essentially leads back to the core principle of his teaching, which is that our best creating is always done WITH God. 

Sounds kind of simple, huh? Not really. It's a conscious, constant process of growth, of checking the compass, of looking around and getting back on track, and keeping the enemy from knocking us off course. We get distracted by things that shouldn't matter, unless they lead back to God. Things like success and popularity. Our measure of success needs to change to fit God's idea of success -- which certainly isn't what the world thinks it is.

While it might sound wonderfully spiritually to be working FOR God, that's what he calls the orphan mindset. We need to be working in partnership WITH God, in His power, seeing with His eyes, for whatever we do to really matter and make sense and mean something.

You should see my copy -- it's bristling with little page flags marking quotes and thoughts I need to go back to and read again and think over. It's partially color coded alphabetically, but that's not much help when there are more than 100 of them ... fortunately there's an index of topics, to help you find inspirational thoughts on whatever your current struggle is.

Like his other books, you're going to want to read it again and again. Thanks, much!

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