Sunday, October 23, 2022

Off the Bookshelf: DEAR WRITER, YOU NEED TO QUIT, by Becca Syme


Thanks to the Great Lakes Fiction Writers craft book club for choosing this for our October discussion book.

VERY needed, especially as I struggle with a couple projects all at the same time. Including a book I told my publisher in Australia I would get to her by the end of October -- LAST year. Yeah, Sandy, this one is for you ...

The subtitle says a lot -- and calms some of the anxiety perhaps generated by the title: What to Keep, What to Quit, What to Question

Basically, many writers are hampered and even blocked, distracted, frustrated, drained by false assumptions about the writing process, what they should be doing, what they shouldn't be doing, and how to go about it.

Everyone needs to find out what works best for them, and not let the loud proclamations by supposedly successful writers force them into routines and mindsets that don't work for them.

Syme goes through so many assumptions and blows them apart, always asking if writers are SURE this is the way it has to be, no wiggle room, no adaptations, no exceptions.

It's kind of freeing, and kind of frustrating, and kind of embarrassing, to face up to the things you've just taken for granted you gotta do to be a writer-type person. Yeah, there were times as I went through the checklist and questions when I thought .... yeah, time to quit -- handicapping myself! Let go of the false assumptions, find the things that work for me, and stop letting other people try to force me into their square boxes, when I'm more star-shaped.


Syme has an entire series of books of writerly advice, and I think if I'm smart I'll investigate more of them.

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