Friday, September 13, 2024

Book Report: RISK THE REAL, by Allen Arnold


A companion volume to THE EDEN OPTION.

Subtitle: How to Defy the Rise of the Artificial.

Everything around us is pushing subtly and not-so-subtly to give in and accept artificial life as not just inevitable, but somehow good for us.

Just how good is a diet of artificial colorings and flavorings? 

We need to open our eyes and determine what is real, and hold onto it. We need to refuse to let the artificial get any more dominant in our lives. We need to hold out for the real world, the real lives, that God intended for us.

From the back cover: " The clash between the Real and the Artificial is Intensifying ... and You Are the Prize.

"Every aspect of life is being invaded by the artificial. But we miss what's at stake when we assume it's inevitable, natural, or even neutral. It actually began in Eden when the serpent offered Adam and Eve a counterfeit reality based on the Tree of Knowledge and the promise to become like gods.

"These ancient roots entangle us in more ways than we realize. We seek to redefine reality in our image. We look to the unreal to make us more real. Nothing fazes or amazes us anymore. We stumble through life in a Partificial Daze -- partially present and fully disoriented by an artificial haze of anxiety, exhaustion, and addition.

"What's needed is a reality reorientation:

"** Real isn't how we feel. It's aligning with God's design for reality ... and us.

"** Artificial isn't just AI or fake things. It's any lie that lures us away from God."

Can I have an Amen?

Monday, September 9, 2024

It's Time for MORE Book Festivals!!! Will I see you there?

 Two Festivals this weekend!

Skunk Fest

10am to 4pm, Saturday, September 14

South Central Park, 7565 Avon Belden Rd.

North Ridgeville, OH  44039



I'm working on a middle-grade book about the childhood adventures of 'Na, my heroine from the Enchanted Castle Archives short stories.

THE SCENT OF ADVENTURE is a novella written specifically for Skunk Fest -- because thanks to the wonky magic her parents constantly have to deal with, and fix, 'Na and her pet dragon, Smedley, get turned into skunks! How  do they get out of that mess? Come get the book and find out!!


Indie Author Book Expo

1-5pm, Sunday, September 15

Emerald Event Center at Residence Inn at Mariott

Avon, OH


Will I see you there?????

Friday, September 6, 2024



Yeah, I indulged and got all 3 short stories from the Deals section of Audible.

The problem with listening to these stories is that they're .5 stories -- meaning they occur in between the full-length Chronicles of St. Mary's stories .... and they kind of hint at stuff that happened in books I haven't read yet!

Still, they're good. They're fun. And I'll probably listen to them again, once I've listened to the books that go between them/they go between. (What is the proper English/grammatical phrasing here?)


Yeah, that means there have been TWELVE full-length novels so far. Whoa .... Don't want to give too much away, but Max is not spending Christmas at St. Mary's as most of these short stories seem to do. She and Markham are pretty much fugitives, and most of the characters I've come to love and look forward to visiting again are living in hiding, trying to avoid trouble from the Time Police and various nasty characters who have gotten themselves put in charge of St. Mary's. The TOAST referred to is a comment on the joke about how toast always manages to fall butter side down, if you drop it.  Max and Markham get an assignment from the "retrieval agents" who are currently giving them shelter, to investigate a "flying auction" where various historical artifacts have been stolen and are being offered for sale. Of course, between Max and Markham, you know this auction isn't going to go as planned.

Great fun.


Yeah, I'm going in reverse order. Why does it matter? I haven't ready Book 10 yet, either! It's Christmas, and time for Maj. Guthrie's traditional last jump before leaving St. Mary's for civilian life. Being a loyal Scotsman, he wants to visit a historical battle where the Scots beat the snot out of the English .... but something goes wrong, and when Max goes to investigate, she discovers some time-traveling interlopers who want to change time so the English always win. And that's just the start of the trouble and fun mayhem!


Whew! Finally it takes place after a story I actually read. I think I'm ready to plunge into book 5 .... Max and Markham team up to give the ultimate Christmas present to a friend, by finding someone lost in time, and the Muse of History lends a helping hand. Or rather, it's more like a good, solid, mysterious kick in the pants, to get the two of them going. It wouldn't be Christmas at St. Mary's without an illicit, off-the-books time jump, of course.