Monday, August 26, 2024

Book Review: FABLEHAVEN, by Brandon Mull


Audiobook, narrated by E.B. Stevens

Ever wondered where all the magical creatures of legend and lore have vanished to? According to this series, they live in sheltered sanctuaries, hidden from the cruel, modern world. And a bunch of nasties who want to tear them apart to control their magic.

Kendra and her brother Seth go to stay a couple weeks with their grandparents while their parents are on a cruise. Their grandparents are somewhat reluctant for the kids to come stay with them.

Incredible things happen when the children find out why.

Their grandparents are caretakers of Fablehaven, and all that magic doesn't exactly result in a safe place for anyone to stay, much less children who don't know how to obey the very simple rules their grandparents give them. What happens when broken rules lead from uncomfortable transformations to the possible shattering of the barriers that protect them from all that wild magic?

Heroes are born through crisis, and sometimes the magic and wonder that result have a bittersweet taste.

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