Sunday, September 24, 2023

Off the Bookshelf: PAYBACK IN DEATH, JD Robb


In Death series

Dallas and Roarke can't catch a break. What's more sure to ruin a rare, relaxing, totally deserved vacation? Yeah, another murder.

Actually, the murder takes place just as Dallas is getting back from vacation, but seriously? Totally destroy that lovely, relaxed feeling, while she's still technically on vacation by calling her to the scene of a murder.

What makes this even worse -- the murder of a cop. Staged to look like a suicide, not very well done. Most likely by someone who only knows about murder from what they see on TV.

Dallas and her team are back and determined to clear the victim's reputation and record and bring the murderer to justice. The irony is that the murder is done by someone who believes they are taking justice into their own hands. The dead cop was one of those who was devoted to his job, but respected by few because it was his job to bring dirty cops to justice. Yeah, sometimes you just can't catch a break.

Love the continued development of relationships among Dallas and Roarke's growing "family." Sometimes, the puzzle presented by the crime comes second to the relationships. This series is a guilty pleasure, because I drop everything I possibly can to have reading time, no matter my deadlines, when a new one comes out.

And now, back to the salt mines ....

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