Thursday, April 6, 2023

Off the Bookshelf: THE WEIRDIES, by Michael Buckley

 Narrated by Kate Winslet   

The Weirdies, Book 1

Yeah ... weird. Kind of like the Addams Family on steroids and some other substances.

A set of bizarre triplets, children of even more bizarre parents who either can't remember they have kids or are afraid to admit they have kids, are left behind when their parents and the entire oddball household goes on vacation, including all the furniture and food and other possessions. And then wreck the cruise ship and get eaten by sharks. And that's just the backstory!

The state steps in and uses extreme measures to get the kids out of the mansion so they can send them to an orphanage. The triplets, named Barnacle, Garlic and Melancholy, terrorize the other orphans and frustrate their overly optimistic case worker, who until they showed up had a perfect record of matching kids with new parents.

They think everyone else around them is weird. And then things get even weirder. In less than 2 hours.

My throat ached in sympathy for Miss Winslet, who gave different voices and accents for each individual character. Including a woman who had all her teeth pulled (don't ask! listen and find out)

Clever. Disturbing. Dryly witty. A commentary on modern society and what standards of "normal" we're willing to impose on others, and the misery we cause ourselves and others and just ... braintwisting.

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