Friday, December 2, 2022

Ready for some STORYTELLING?


We're less than a month away from the launch of the YE OLDE DRAGON'S LIBRARY: Storytelling Podcast.

In December, I'll be revising the first book in the series about Ashlyn and Zared, and how they became the Beastly Beauty and the Disenchanted Prince, and just how Fang the bunny became a semi-vampire. You'll learn about the enchanted castle and the enchanted forest, and just why it's easier to get inside than get out!

Ready to sign up for the Patreon group and get exclusive content and voting rights on revisions and other details in the series?

I'll post that link soon, if I haven't done so already right here. (Yeah, I create these posts as much as a month ahead of time, so I haven't done this in November, but I hope to do that so you aren't reading this -- but if you are reading this ... I've fallen behind. Well, what do you expect, if I'm concentrating on writing and polishing the story for your listening pleasure?) Please consider signing up for the Patreon group, just a small monthly fee to help cover the expenses of uploading and distributing the podcast to nearly every available platform, so you can subscribe and listen each week, and not miss a thing!

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