Sunday, August 28, 2022

Off the Bookshelf: PETER AND THE CROWN, by A.L. Janney

The Phantom of New York, Volume 1

A fun, modern-day origin story that harkens back to old-time radio dramas like The Shadow and the Green Hornet, and stories like The Scarlet Pimpernel and Zorro.

Peter and his parents move to a grand old hotel, The Crown, when his father runs into trouble with a powerful, evil man who wants what he can't -- and won't -- give him. They change their names, his father becomes a maintenance man and his mother works in the laundry, and Peter's life changes drastically.

The Crown is an amazing place to live, and Peter grows as he slowly expands his horizons and reaches out to make friends, and learns some hard and painful lessons.

The legend of the Phantom of New York, the mystery of a boy in a painting who could be Peter's twin, quirky characters who live in the hotel, a boy genius who lives underground, the plucky daughter of a baker, and a real ghost are just a few of the characters who help Peter prepare for the biggest change in his life -- accepting his heritage as the next Phantom of New York.

Great fun. And definitely want to read more of Peter's adventures.

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