Sunday, March 20, 2022

Off the Bookshelf: ABANDONED IN DEATH, by JD Robb


Guilty pleasure time. Thank goodness for libraries, which remove some of the guilt -- I was able to borrow this to read, rather than spending money on another book when I have probably a 10-foot stack of books waiting to be read, plus the uncounted number of ebooks on my tablet that I haven't read yet. Crazy, huh?

Crazy murderers is the name of the game. Psychopaths. Which, in this case, are hard to tell apart from spoiled brat kids who grew up, but didn't grow up, didn't learn that the world didn't revolve around them.

Dallas is up against a man who is stalking and capturing and imprisoning women who resemble his mother who abandoned him decades ago. When they don't play along and prove they're the perfect Mommy, he kills them, dresses them up like he remembers Mommy, and leaves them near playgrounds with a sign proclaiming them Bad Mommy.

To help find the murderer, they need to identify Mommy. Is she dead or alive? Why and when and where did she abandon him? And most important: where is his current Mommy candidate, and how much time does she have before the spoiled brat decides she's a Bad Mommy, and he gets rid of her?

Another nail-biter with wonderful character interaction.  I devoured this in two days, when I should have been editing and doing some promotion for my own books. Yeah, guilty pleasure -- but worth it!

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