Friday, December 24, 2021

New Release: CADETS, Young Defenders, Book 1

 Most of the conversation was spent in sharing what Maenta or Tila and Ben knew about friends and fellow students from the Academy. Finally, when their plates and bowls were nearly empty and they had spent as much time talking and laughing as they had eating, the conversation turned to the transfer to the Defender.

“To be completely honest,“ Maenta said, “when the request came for an additional teacher on the Defender, I didn’t seriously consider it. Then two things happened. First, I saw your names on the list. Part of the process of deciding whether to volunteer for the position logically required I know the history of the students who might be entrusted to my care. Their histories, their potential, their needs, the gifts they might already display. It would be arrogant and cruel to take up responsibility for young minds and souls who would be better served by a better teacher.“

“What was the other thing?“ Jorgan asked, when Maenta slowly shook her head, a soft smile on her lips, and a distant, thoughtful expression in her eyes.

“Hmm? Oh, yes … the second thing was Premier Master Reydon himself asking me to consider coming. First, because my dear comrade, E’bett, is the current teacher on the Defender. She thought of me first when she learned the number of students under her care would double. One of Reydon’s special pupils is on the Defender. She has a sense for Talents on the verge of awakening. E’bett believes I will work well with her and M’kar, giving special training to the ones who will develop psionic gifts.“

“M'kar … I know that name,“ Ben murmured. “Peripheral to some report.“ He shook his head. “I’m sorry, but that’s all I can think of.“

“She was part of the Infrenx class, under Reydon.“

“That’s right,“ Tila said. “All the unusual Talents. What does she do?“

“She is Chief of Talents on the Defender, and her specific gift is touching the minds of animals. So far, she hasn’t found an animal she can’t communicate with, in varying degrees of success. She helps E'bett with teaching the children survival lessons, self-defense. She’s a little frightening at first glance, but E’bett assures me all the children adore her.“

“Why is she frightening?“ Shayn asked.

“She’s from Nisandros.“

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