Sunday, April 11, 2021

Off the Bookshelf: STARGAZER, by Dan Wells

Audible, Audio Drama, Middle Grade

Full cast

Zero and Nyx are up to their chins in trouble yet again, on the colony world Kaguya. Colony ships that left Earth after their ship, the Pathfinder, had improved engines, so they are startled when one ship arrives years early. Even worse, Nyx's pirate family managed to sneak on board the new ship and hide among the colonists in cold sleep, and they land on Kaguya ready to do some more pirating and get rich and powerful. 

Problem: a second ship that left Earth is nowhere in sight. Did it crash on a nearby planet? Zero and Nyx barely manage to escape the prison the pirates put them in before they get into more trouble: trying to stop the pirates from finding the wreckage of the missing ship. Oh yeah, and they have to deal with nasty castaways, dragons, xenon in the air, and some prejudice that makes life pretty hard for Nyx.

Will they save the day? Listen and find out. Love this series by one of the contributors to the Writing Excuses podcast, and I certainly hope there's another installment coming out soon. 

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