Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New Release Sample: VIRTUALLY LONDON


"Charlotte, did you send Jinx to get Ford, tell him the news? Or would you like me to run up to the old fishing hole and get him?" Mr. Zephyr said, when they came down after the final trip, hauling the last set of bookshelves.

"Oh, you'd better believe it," Gram said. "That boy wasn't in so much a hurry to get out of town that he'd overlook something like that." She chuckled and gestured with her tray of lemonade and fresh sugar cookies, out onto the porch. We all settled down. Doni curled up next to Gram on the three-seater swing with one of her new books.

"Get out of town?"

"Senior Prank Night." I took my usual spot on the steps with my back against the big support pillar Uncle Jinx had carved to look like dragons had wrapped around it. The other pillar had unicorns chasing each other around and around up to the top.

"Oh, joy." He shared grins with Mr. Carr. “Forgot about that.”

"What's Senior Prank Night?" Doni asked, and sprayed a few crumbs from her mouthful of sugar cookie.

It was kind of nice to see she was a normal little kid in some aspects.

We explained about the long-standing tradition in Neighborlee for graduating seniors, on the first Wednesday of June, to play some extravagant prank. Sort of to leave their mark on the town before they headed off into adulthood. If they survived. Some members of the police and fire departments, and teachers spent Senior Prank Night on patrol. They tried to head off any pranks that got out of control, and prevent expensive or long-term damage to people, places, and things.

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