Sunday, July 12, 2020

Update: GOALS

The plan is to check in every week and tally up what I've accomplished, and add any new goals to the list. (Feel free to jeer if I don't get at least half this list done this month!)

JULY GOALS LIST as of 07/12/20:

Rough Draft MAKING IT ALL UP: Match Girls Book 2:
Started -- 1/3 of the way

Revise and Polish CADETS, Young Defenders Book 1
Draft 2, done
Draft 3, done

Book Proposal package for CADETS, for Realm Makers Conference

Realm Makers Conference: July 16-18

Tweak 4 Commonwealth novels:
Meruk Episodes 6-10,

Load another Neighborlee book in Kindle format

Finish setting up the store on the Ye Olde Dragon Books site
DONE (as much as it can be -- but we can take orders!)

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