Saturday, January 20, 2018

BLADE OF INNOCENCE, Highlander the TV series fan fiction

Excerpt from Chapter 14 of the fan novel now available on Wattpad:

            "Get in!" Duncan snapped at Joe as he gunned the engine.

            Joe threw himself into the front seat, snagging the door with one hand.  The T-bird roared across the parking lot.  Streaks of lightning streaked out of the building, as if reaching for the two Immortals in the car.  The wheels screeched, bumping on the curb as Duncan missed the driveway entrance by ten feet and shot across the street, up over the corner of the abandoned gas station and out into the next street.  He spun the wheel, judging they were far enough away now, turning the car to face the sagging hulk of the building.

            Blue and white lightning snapped along all the exposed metal beams.  The few bits of whole glass shattered in a white rain, arching out like the spray of a fountain.  Hissing turned into roars.  The whole building buzzed and snapped like a mad scientist's laboratory.

            Darcy pulled herself forward, clutching the backs of the seats and peered out between Joe and Duncan.  Her mouth fell open and her eyes widened and what little color she had regained fled.

            Then with one final boom that shook the ground and threatened to reach out to crack the cement under the car, it was over.

            "Daddy?" Darcy whimpered in the sudden silence.

            "How soon do we know -- "  Joe glanced over the back of the seat at Darcy and swallowed hard, visibly unwilling to go on.

            "Until we know who won?"  Duncan nodded toward the gaping mouth of the door.  "Josh'll know we'd wait, and he'll come out.  Immerman will run and hide."

            They waited.  Twenty minutes.  Martha drove over and joined them and stared when she saw Darcy's bloody shirt and realized what it meant.  She climbed into the back seat of the car and wrapped her arms around the girl and cried.  Darcy didn't cry, but stared with dry eyes at the door of the Allied Glass Works.

            When twenty minutes passed, Duncan said nothing.  He put the car into gear, let Martha get out to drive Frank's car and drove back to his loft.

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