Monday, October 30, 2017

Off the Bookshelf: TORN, by Amanda Hocking

YA fantasy here, with enough of an intricately built world, I admit to having some trouble getting "into" it by the first book I read NOT being the first book.

Does that make any sense?

I picked up easily enough on the dynamics, the warring factions, the history of the heroine, without feeling like I had to wade through annoying data dumps. Yet there was always this sense of having missed out on inside information that everyone else knew. It interfered with being able to lose myself in the story.

However, that is MY problem, not the fault of the writer.

Wendy discovered in a previous book that she was a Changeling -- a baby born to another family, a Human family (mansklig) is taken , and a Trylle baby is left in his or her place, to be raised by them. Which apparently led to some real problems for Wendy and her unwilling -- drafted, shanghaied? -- mother and brother. Now she is "home," with her real mother, who just happens to be the queen, so Wendy has a lot of catching up to do, to prepare to take her mother's place.

This book just dumps more unpleasant surprises on her. Including politics and political marriage pressure. Ugh. And then there's this guy she thinks she loves, who is being all disgustingly noble and trying to discourage her, and he's just confusing her. Then this guy named Loki shows up who's charming and urges her to run away with him, but he kind of works for the bad guys ... Yeah, who can resist a handsome charming bad boy? I have to wonder if this book was written before or after Tom Hiddleston smirked his way across the big screen... (Yeah, I could look it up but I'm not gonna. Doesn't matter. This Loki belongs to the author, not Marvel.)

I had heard about Amanda Hocking for several years, and finally got hold of one of her books. I wish I had started at the beginning, though. And when I make a serious dent of depletion in my to-be-read pile (think the Leaning Tower, ready to bury me) I definitely have the first Trylle book on my hunt-and-devour list.

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