Sunday, September 6, 2020

Off the Bookshelf: UNITED WE SPY, by Ally Carter

The Gallagher Girls series. The (sob!) last one.

Graduation looms for the four roommates at the Gallagher Academy. And lots of unanswered questions and threats that just get closer and nastier. Because in the spy world, you can't trust anyone. Despite all the information Cammie uncovered at peril of her life -- and to save her neck -- the Circle of Cavan still seems to be out to get her. Seems there's dissension in the ranks and some want to kill her for information while others want to kill her to make sure the others don't get that information, and others are just nasty spoilsports who want to kill her because she stood up against them. Typical in the spy world, and politics ....

Heart-racing adventure indeed. Races against the clock -- and races that the gang sometimes lose, to great heartache. Enemies become surprising allies, and allies become enemies, and sometimes that isn't surprising and it all comes down to a literally explosive ending that ... well, I don't want to spoil it for you. Although if you love the Gallagher Girls like I do, even if you KNOW how it ends, or doesn't end, and who comes in from the cold and who ends up cold .... and shredded ... you'll still read it!

Oh, by the way, did I mention that the big threat is the nasties attempting to trigger WWIII?

Yeah, typical stuff for the girls of the Gallagher Academy. Because when you underestimate your opponent, you always lose, and everyone underestimates those private school girls in their plaid skirts........ BIG mistake.

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