Tuesday, October 15, 2024



It's release day for THE INVISIBLE FILES!

11 stories by 12 authors based on The Invisible Man in literature, film, and TV.

Now available online at all your favorite ebook and print book vendors.

But why go anywhere else? Buy it at YeOldeDragonBooks.com, the publisher's store, and still SAVE $$$.

Regular price is $5.99, but as of today, Tuesday, October 15, the ebook price is $2.99 -- a saving of $3.

The price will go up 50 cents every few days, until it returns to the regular price. Don't waste time -- don't waste money! Click on our storefront tab, search by title or by price, lowest to highest, and get it NOW!


Friday, October 4, 2024


 Wingfeather Saga, Book 1

I'd heard good things about this series, especially the excitement when fans learned it would be turned into an animated series.

Fun story. Clever, rather punny naming choices. I listened to this audiobook over the course of maybe 2 weeks, and I'm very curious to get hold of a print copy and see the spelling of some of those names.

Sometimes I was tempted to make up errands so I could spend time in my car, listening!

Heartbreaking in places. Hold-your-breath scenes of danger. Lots of places to boo the disgusting lizard-creature villains -- and cheer when they get their comeuppance!

The story starts in a kingdom dominated and oppressed by the vicious lizards called Fangs. A poor but noble and loving little family struggles to survive, until one unfair and unkind event after another lands on them and forces them to be brave, and start asking some really hard questions. Janner, the oldest boy, learns hard lessons, some of them heartbreaking, but they are preparing him for a noble destiny.

Looking forward to listening to the next Wingfeather selection, a collection of short stories!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Under Construction: The Commonwealth Universe


Coming Soon!

THE HERO'S MASK and SONG OF THE NIGHTSKIMMER: 2 new Talon titles, set in Age 1 of the Commonwealth Universe

PEACE VILLAGE, the 3rd Refuge book, sequel to Wind Walker and Moonbirds.

With these 3 books, the promised Age 1 stories are complete.


(you are now free to start binge reading ...)

I'm getting to work on Age 2, which had only 1 book published in that era, UNDYING, a story about the birth of the Order. If you've read the Sunsinger books and VIRTUALLY DEAD, you've already met the heroine, Marnya. This is her story -- and how the Order of Kilvordi brought the human race back from barbarism and sent them back to the stars.

There will be 3 Order titles when finished: Undying, Scholar, and Vision. (coming in 2025) Then tales about the rediscovery of the colonies lost during the Downfall.

Then on to Age 3!!!! Starting with the long-awaited story of the childhood of Lin Fieran and the Free Trader ship Sunsinger,

Ready?  It's going to be fun!!

Special thanks to Sandy Cummins, the intreprid publisher and brains and energy behind Writers Exchange of Australia. She took a chance on my first Sunsinger novel, and has been working tirelessly for years helping authors get published, and constantly updating our books to make them more visible, and the best they can possibly be!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Tell your friends: FREE DOWNLOADS, for a limited time!


TUESDAY, October 1, is release day for the 3rd Young Defenders novel, SOFT-WIRED.

You can get the epub for free -- but only for a limited time -- on release day!

10am to 5pm Eastern Standard time.

Go to Ye Olde Dragon Books and visit the store between those hours for your free download.


That's Sunday, September 29

The AUDIOBOOK  and the EBOOK of the newest Enchanted Castle Archives story, THE SCENT OF ADVENTURE, will be free on the Ye Olde Dragon Books website.

Go to the store to take advantage of this free gift!! 7am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time.

And stay tuned: I'm working on a whole book of fun adventures of Smedley & 'Na, a dragon and his girl, and plan to do a Kickstarter in 2025, where you can get your very own crocheted Smedley to cuddle while you read!!

Friday, September 20, 2024




Surprised I read non-fiction? Hey, everybody needs to learn once in a while.

This was recommended as a good book to read to learn how to write promotional material, and even create short book trailers, to get the gist of the story across quickly, before readers or viewers lose interest.

Good analysis of the steps to take in putting together a short speech or presentation, how to do them, why all the steps are important, what works, why different elements work or don't work. Something that I can anticipate needing to read at least once a year as a refresher course.

Now to see if I can apply what I've learned!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Available for Pre-Release Orders: THE INVISIBLE FILES, Classic Monsters Anthology #4


Coming October 15.

This time we're pushing the envelope when it comes to stories inspired by The Invisible Man -- in both literature and film/TV.

Now you see them … now you don't…

 Who hasn't dreamed of being invisible, either to play a trick or to escape or to get revenge? For greed or power or justice?

Who hasn't felt invisible, at one time or another?

What if it became real?

What if you dreamed of the power of invisibility, and achieved it at too high a price?

What if you became invisible by accident? What would you do with that power?

 These eleven stories explore what it means to fade utterly from view, by choice, by accident, by need, through pain or greed.

Which story could be your story … but for the grace of God?


Coming soon from Ye Olde Dragon Books.

Available now for pre-order in the Kindle Store, and soon at other ebook outlets!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Book Report: RISK THE REAL, by Allen Arnold


A companion volume to THE EDEN OPTION.

Subtitle: How to Defy the Rise of the Artificial.

Everything around us is pushing subtly and not-so-subtly to give in and accept artificial life as not just inevitable, but somehow good for us.

Just how good is a diet of artificial colorings and flavorings? 

We need to open our eyes and determine what is real, and hold onto it. We need to refuse to let the artificial get any more dominant in our lives. We need to hold out for the real world, the real lives, that God intended for us.

From the back cover: " The clash between the Real and the Artificial is Intensifying ... and You Are the Prize.

"Every aspect of life is being invaded by the artificial. But we miss what's at stake when we assume it's inevitable, natural, or even neutral. It actually began in Eden when the serpent offered Adam and Eve a counterfeit reality based on the Tree of Knowledge and the promise to become like gods.

"These ancient roots entangle us in more ways than we realize. We seek to redefine reality in our image. We look to the unreal to make us more real. Nothing fazes or amazes us anymore. We stumble through life in a Partificial Daze -- partially present and fully disoriented by an artificial haze of anxiety, exhaustion, and addition.

"What's needed is a reality reorientation:

"** Real isn't how we feel. It's aligning with God's design for reality ... and us.

"** Artificial isn't just AI or fake things. It's any lie that lures us away from God."

Can I have an Amen?