Sunday, June 2, 2019

Off the Bookshelf: A SHOT IN THE BARK, C.A. Newsome

A Lia Anderson/Dog Park mystery

More of my "learn to write cozy mysteries" homework.

This was actually the 1st book out of the gob of them I downloaded free on Kindle.

This one sat up and begged (pun intended) me to read it first. I could see the places and people, furry and otherwise, and I never enjoyed homework so much before. 

Lia is an artist, and most of her social circle seems to revolve around the other people she meets up with at the dog park. That includes her soon-to-be, manipulative, egotistical, wannabe-writer-who-never-makes-any-progress boyfriend.

Ex as in ex-boyfriend and ex-alive. Yeah, he's murdered almost at the beginning, and poor Lia is the one who finds him. Because the murderer does it in the parking lot of the dog park. Talk about cruel!

I found it especially interesting how the author takes us into the mind, the reasoning (however egotistical and self-righteous) of the murderer him/herself. Because yeah, we don't know if the killer is a man or woman, and even with all the clues liberally spread ... the identity is still up in the air.

Even though an arrest is made, and the love interest detective saves Lia's life almost at the last minute .... hmm ... did they really catch the killer? Love that element of uncertainty at the end, and how all the POV strands wove together. 

Kudos to a fellow Buckeye. When my homework is done -- if it's ever done! -- I want to read more of these.

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