Friday, May 8, 2020

THE ADVENTURE: Entry 1, Day 2

So, what have I done so far to fix all the glitches and contradictions and just plain, "Why did I write THAT?" instances in my Commonwealth Universe books?

The goal is to go through 1 book each week.
So far it's been kind of fun, because I haven't read some of these books in years. Like, 15 or more.

I started with my first Commonwealth books published: The SUNSINGER series.
Young Adult, maybe even qualifying as Middle Grade.
When I told my publisher what I was doing, she very logically said, "Don't you think you should start at the BEGINNING, the chronological order of events in the series?"

Hmmm, she's partially right. But the thing is, the moist recently published Commonwealth books are the furthest back in Commonwealth history. I KNOW what they say, but I can't really remember what I said in the SUNSINGER books. And that's where the contradictions have grown. I didn't make notes when I wrote them because at the time I didn't PLAN to have a Commonwealth Universe, just 10 books about an orphan boy who gets to grow up on a small starship and become a hero.

Here's a big, important lesson, folks: TAKE NOTES
Be organized. Make lists of people and terminology and places and historical events you made up. You might just need to remember and use them someday.

I didn't. So that's why I'm reading through all my books and making big changes.

So far I've read, and fixed, and made notes on:

I'm establishing standards for terms. For instance, in one sub-set of books, months were lunes and weeks were quarters, in another sub-set they were lunars and quars, in another I left them months and weeks. See the problem? Consistency is vital for survival!

The little fixes need to start with SUNSINGER, the references to historical events that are different from what actually happens in the books about those events. It's kind of fun. Kind of a headache. But I think we'll all be happier when I'm done. (Not gonna confess to some really big, stupid mistakes I need to fix. If nobody has asked me about them yet, I'm not going to tell you what they were!)

If YOU have read a Commonwealth Universe book, and you had some questions about a person or event or terminology or detail of history, please write to me and ask. Who knows? You could help me fix a glitch, or might even give me an idea for a new story.

Just post in the comment section, and I'll get it!

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