Sunday, December 29, 2019

Off the Bookshelf: WISH YOU WEREN'T HERE, by Janeen Ippolito

Steel City Genie, Book 2

Allis and Cendric are back and in even deeper trouble than they were at the end of the previous book.

Gee, you'd think that finding your soul mate, the one that destiny has been trying to put you together with for 5 years, and breaking the curse that kept you apart would, y'know, kind of guarantee a happily-ever-after, right?

Not in this alternate version of Pittsburgh, where magical folk live alongside of ordinary mortals and there are different versions or dimensions of reality to deal with, and magically enhanced politics and sabotaged love spells to deal with. And oh, yeah, a really ticked off queen of the Jinn who was the worst possible future mother-in-law for our heroine. Thank goodness she broke up with sonny-boy -- but the jerk is back in her life and seems to be at the core of Allis and Cendric's new problems.

Along with trying to unravel the sabotaged love potions -- which are kinda illegal -- Allis keeps coming up against people trying to recruit her into different jobs and destinies and she's just not up for it. Don't newlyweds get a break? Not in this magical world, unfortunately.

Another fun romp in a world full of strong and detailed worldbuilding (the author's specialty -- check out her guidebooks!). Can't wait to see what they have to face next!

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