Saturday, October 28, 2017

BLADE OF INNOCENCE, Highlander the TV series fan fiction

Excerpt from Chapter 2 of the fan novel now available on Wattpad:

            "Good morning!"  the young woman sang out.  Her wide-boned face glowed from scrubbing and no make-up.  Her long hair was pulled back in a single braid, hanging over her shoulder almost to her waist.  She slung a blue motorcycle helmet into the corner by the stairs and tossed a heavy key ring into it.

            "You forgot something, Darcy," Duncan said, crossing the room to the wall rack where three katanas hung on display.

            "Next time.  I promise."  She grinned at him, nearly  upside down as she bent over to unlace her boots.

            "That's what you said last time.  How can I judge your technique if I can't see the sword you've been practicing with?"

            In the doorway, Amanda cocked an eyebrow and took a closer look at this girl.

            "I didn't promise, last time." Darcy stood and levered her boot off her left foot with the toe of her right boot.  "I always keep my promises."

            "That's good."  Duncan tossed the katana across the intervening space.

            Darcy swooped up underneath it and caught it with a resounding smack against her palm.  Grinning, she toed off her socks and advanced onto the practice mats.  She shifted her grip to two-handed and held the sword parallel with the floor, chest-level, waiting.

            "That's Amanda, by the way," Duncan said, gesturing toward the office door with his chin.

            "Hi," Darcy said, never taking her eyes off her teacher.

            "Hi yourself," Amanda murmured.  She took a long sip of coffee.  Then grimaced  --  it was black.

            "She just got in from -- where did you just get in from?" he continued, grinning.

            "Don't try to distract me, Duncan," Darcy said with a chuckle.  "It worked last time, but it won't work again."

            "She's such a good student.  You might learn something from her, Amanda."

            "Yeah, thanks."  Amanda tugged her shirt straight, slid down to the floor and settled down cross-legged to watch.

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